Jean-Pierre Dolla: The will of a man, the conviction of a painter

Jean-Pierre DOLLA - Naiad<br />Acrylic on canvas (145 x 175 cm)

Jean-Pierre DOLLA - Naiad
Acrylic on canvas (145 x 175 cm)

Critic's Prize in 1971 (he is the youngest painter after Bernard Buffet to have received this prestigious artistic distinction), Jean-Pierre Dolla began his career under the best auspices.
For this native of Flayosc, in Var, in 1946, who devoted himself to painting at an early age and followed the classic path of Decorative Arts (in Grenoble) and then Fine Arts (in Paris), recognition came, therefore, as did talent, very early.

But in these early years of celebrating his talent, the young artist, happy and naive, collided with the realities of the art market, and ten years and a lawsuit (won) against his first gallery owner later, he had to start over. In the meantime, a family and a profession had come to fill a life that, while still being occupied by painting, was no longer solely centered around it.
Then, as the years passed, a long journey, both personal, intellectual, and artistic, led Jean-Pierre Dolla to reclaim his painting. Moving from a figurative style heavily influenced by the masters of the 19th century and their perfect compositions to an abstract style strongly influenced by the 1950s (De Staël, Pollock), he found his way in a continuous search, in a perpetual evolution (revolution?) of his art.

Jean Pierre DOLLA - Abstract Landscape<br />Acrylic on canvas (147 x 190 cm)

Jean Pierre DOLLA - Abstract Landscape
Acrylic on canvas (147 x 190 cm)

Jean Pierre DOLLA - Nude 08<br />Acrylic on canvas (130 x 194 cm)

Jean Pierre DOLLA - Nude 08
Acrylic on canvas (130 x 194 cm)

Today, entering the mature years of his work, his painting expresses itself in both a reflection on the landscape (between the colors of reality and abstractions of forms) and a breathtaking exploration of the female nude, which should not keep museums silent for very long, given the exceptional pictorial quality of the works.
Because, beware, we are not talking here about an aestheticizing work but about an erotic expressionism that seeks in the flesh the troubles of the soul and reveals all the lived experiences of a painter who knew how to evolve far from the salons where one shows off to avoid revealing oneself!
Finally, in Jean-Pierre Dolla, we find a human and artistic humility that is very refreshing and reminds us, if needed, that this son of a winemaker is, and wants to be, a craftsman of his art, still one of those who mix their own pigments and shape the frames of their canvases, far (very far) from the makers of happenings.