Pablo Picasso

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Biography of Pablo Picasso

Biography of Pablo Picasso

Biography of Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain.

Between the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona, where he was admitted at the age of 15, and the last years of his life in the South of France, his journey was filled with much painting, a few muses, companions in struggle, and many honors.

From the "Blue Period" (which begins with the suicide of Casagemas, a friend of the painter) to the famous "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon," from the encounter with Georges Braque to the triumph of Analytical Cubism, from "Guernica" to his work on Bullfighting, from Françoise Gilot to Jacqueline Roque, Pablo Picasso traversed the 20th century to make it his own.

At his death on April 8, 1973, he left behind 13,500 paintings or drawings, 100,000 lithographs or engravings, and 300 sculptures or ceramics: a legacy.


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