All products Bernard Buffet Products of the topic Deluxe Fine Art Prints

Reproduction in lithography - Bernard BUFFET - Paris Le Sacré-Coeur (1967)

REF : BB-RL-40

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Lithograph reproduction achieved in the studios of Fernand MOURLOT
Year : 1967
Paper : vellum ragpaper Acropole
Dimensions with margins : 31 x 24 cm
Dimensions without margins : 23 x 18,5 cm

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Bernard Buffet

Additional cultural and artistic information about the artist

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To keep in mind

Strong and sharp line, power and despair... The School of Paris in the sparkle of its glory! Bernard Buffet, coming out of the war, led painting to the shores of Sartre's existentialism, depicting the despair of a generation broken by the immobility of a nation too fearful for its dreams of revolution... But Buffet transformed his doubts into a pictorial singularity that crossed the borders of our country to impose French art (at the same time as the New Wave of cinema) everywhere in the world...

Biography of Bernard Buffet